Nuns without Guns

Four sisters of the church battle evils using the skills they acquired in their previous lives. Answering to a mysterious figurehead known only as MOTHER HEN, the four sisters lead a secret existence that finds them battling those evils that threaten the church and innocent souls everywhere. If it wasn’t for them, the world would be a much different place.

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Format: graphic novel / full color / 80 Pages / $7.95
ISBN: 978-098023859-4
By: (W) Jason M. Burns, (A) Erich Owen


“With superb art and entertaining plot, Nuns Without Guns may well provide Viper Comics with its next franchise.”
– Ray Sidman, Comic Buyers Guide

“These Demon Hunting Brides of Christ can’t be missed”.
– Kiel Cross,

“…a fun read.”
– John Robinson,
