For years Orpheus, the world’s greatest escape artist, has defied the odds, wowed audiences and challenged Death. Now, during his final performance Death has accepted...
The Middleman was noted as a comic book you should own, check out the article at Comic Book Resources. Click here for full article
Sneak look at the upcoming horror of “Nosferatu” was provided in issue #13 of the Frontiersman. Check it out here!
I was told that Macgyver also had battled bigfoot. So now I found myself searching for this fight sequence. Seems I have found a new...
The Moore American Newspaper Interviews Michael Adams creator of our latest webcomic “Kung Fu Bean”. Link to article here Full Article below: October 6, 2010...
Without even looking I ran across something that was just too cool. I watched a couple of clips from yes, ” Sasquatch”. But it was just...
Stu Bear in the 25th Century made The Fall 2010 Kids Graphic Novels List Essential Reading for the Season. Click here to view list:
BEANS – “Little insecurities” I think I’ve always been fascinated with the odd ones, the underdogs, the kids no one wanted to play with. When I...
Stop by Golden Apple Comics on September 29, 2010 between 6pm and 8pm to meet the Hell House creators Chad Feehan & Ryan Dixon. Many...
For all those aspiring to show us your work here is your chance. Cryptophobia is a project that will showcase and compile short stories that...