
Please be aware that Viper receives a high volume of submissions and cannot guarantee a response to each. With that said, we make our best attempt to reply to every submission as soon as possible. Submissions which do not follow the following instructions will be ignored.

New Projects

Email a 55-60 word synopsis for the project, and project format (page count, color/B&W, book dimensions, single installment, multiple installment, etc).  All artwork should be submitted as an attachment, and in PDF file format.  A signed submission agreement (pdf) is also required.

Artists Seeking Work

Email a PDF file with your work.  PDF file should include a pin-ups along with 3-5 page(s) of sequential art. Within the email provide your rates and if negotiable.

Writers Seeking Work

Email a PDF file with 3-5 pages from a script that you worked on or created.  Also, include a 55-60 word synopsis of sample script you are submitting. Within the email provide your rates and specify if negotiable.

Submissions and questions can be emailed to